Education Across Borders, Genders, Ages and Cultures

EDU Secretary General H.E. Irving Levance presides over Summer Education Workshops: “Education Across Borders, Genders, Ages and Cultures.”
The traditional summer holiday break from schools normally means a rest from thinking about education matters. But that is not the case for the dedicated supporters of the Intergovernmental Organization EDU, which promotes international understanding and education.
Hosted by the Secretary General H.E, Irving Levance, the Summer Education Workshops: “Education Across Borders, Genders, Ages and Cultures.” attract professionals and lay people of many different ages and nationalities .
The workshops address many topics including:
The special concerns of students accessing quality education internationally, the relevance of accreditation, gender inequality, education access for the disabled.
The purposes of primary and secondary education as a preparatory phase for entry into the job market, the preservation of local skills and traditional knowledge, the challenges of tertiary level institutions.
To ensure that graduates are adequately prepared for their chosen career, challenges faced by technical and academic institutions, the incorporation of new technologies into the educational process and lifelong learning.
Organizations interested in setting up or attending EDU Approved Workshops should contact the Office of the Secretary General.