EDU Secretary-General welcomes new Assessment Committee member and offer of office and conference facilities in Lisbon, Portugal
His Excellency Irving Levance, in his capacity as Secretary General, took pleasure in personally welcoming the latest addition to the world class experts, now numbering over sixty, who support the Intergovernmental Organization EDU by serving on its Assessment Committee.
Dr. Eduardo de Almeida Nunes is a Portuguese Lawyer practicing in Lisbon, Portugal.
Besides his legal work, he also serves as the President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Lisbon.

Dr. Eduardo de Almeida Nunes is involved in many humanitarian and charitable associations connected with education, promoting masters, doctorates, research and scientific investigation programmes.
One such Association, “PESQUISACTIVA” operates in conjunction with the Complutense University of Madrid, which is one of the oldest universities in the world and according to El Mundo is consistently ranked as the best university in Spain; the University of Extremadura in Spain and institutions of higher learning in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola and Mozambique.
His legal training and strong experience in academia makes him a valuable addition to the Assessment Committee.
Conference and Office facilities available to EDU.
The Secretary-General thanked Dr. Nunes for his commitment to EDU and gratefully acknowledged his generous offer to make his office and conference facilities in Lisbon, Portugal, available to EDU free of charge should they be required.