The International Institute IFIMES is a partner of:
World Security Network, New York
Globalvision News Network, New York
Mejdunarodniyi obchestveniyi fond »Eksperimentalniyi tvorcheskiyi centr«, Kurginyana Center, Moscow
Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS), Tirana, Albania
Ingepo Consulting, Braşov, Romania
Milenijum, Niš, Serbia
Balkan Communication Network (BCN)
Center for Strategic Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey (SAM), Ankara, Turkey
Institute on Advanced Studies in Geopolitics and Auxiliary Sciences (IsAG), Rome, Italy
Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS), Athens, Greece
Center for International Relations (CIR), Washington, DC (USA)
Biznis plus (Business plus) Ljubljana-Zagreb-Belgrade-Sarajevo-Podgorica-Skopje
The Global Development Network from Washington has marked the relevancy of the researches performed by the International Institute IFIMES with the relevancy rate of 93,00%.
Idea to establish IFIMES Institute is a reflection of our common reality and the needs of the world to reach for common solutions – now more than ever in the past. Common interests and bonds among different policies, nations, religions, world regions and diverse interest parties in are essential.
The area of research and work of IFIMES Institute is the Middle East (MENA-Middle East and North Africa) and the Balkans (South-Eastern Europe), where relations among different entities are additionally puzzled by the religious, ethnic, national and racial grounds.
Associates of the Institute are respected experts, scientists, managers, journalists and researchers, who are introducing younger colleagues from all over the world to work, with a purpose of additional education, promotion of knowledge and scientific achievements with an emphasis on the political and economic connections within the region, among the regions and on the global level.

The IFIMES Institute is through organizing seminars, symposiums, conferences, round tables, (with participants from various interest groups: scientists, politicians, business leaders, representatives of religious institutions, journalists, artists and others), performing analyses, studies, fact-finding missions and projects, as well as through its own publications presenting the results of its work and achievements, also targeting leading international policy and opinion makers.
IFIMES extensively cooperates with relevant institutions from Europe, America, Asia and the MENA-Balkans (South-Eastern Europe) on projects, studies and analyses.
The think-tank activities of IFIMES are especially directed towards the areas of international (foreign) politics and economy, international relations, counselling the state institutions as well as the non-state actors such as the academia and corporate entities.
IFIMES is searching for and recommending political solutions to the governments of the world, especially and foremost those related to the reconciliation, early prevention/preventive diplomacy and disarmament/confidence building measures primarily for the Balkans and the Middle East, but also well beyond these geopolitical theatres.
International Diplomacy
IFIMES – International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies, based in Ljubljana - Slovenia, gathers and selects various information and sources on key conflict areas in the world.
The Institute analyses mutual relations among parties with an aim to promote the importance of reconciliation, early prevention/preventive diplomacy and disarmament/ confidence building measures in the regional or global conflict resolution of the existing conflicts and the role of preventive actions against new global disputes.
President of IFIMES Council: H.E. Dr Craig T. Smith, former Political Director of White House.
Directors: Zijad Bećirović and Bakhtyar Aljaf.
President of IFIMES Advisory Board: H.E. Budimir Lončar, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of SFR Yugoslavia.
Honorary President: H.E. Stjepan Mesić, former President of the Republic of Croatia.
International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES)
Vošnjakova ulica 1, P.O.Box 2795, SI-1001 LJUBLJANA, Slovenia, EU,
Tel: +386 1 430 15 33
Telefax: +386 1 430 15 34
Bakhtyar Aljaf, Director
Tel: +386 41 662 549
Zijad Bećirović, Director
Tel: +386 41 662 587
Head: Prof.Dr. Anis H. Bajrektarević
Tel: +43 676 7397175
Head: Prof.Dr. Stane Vlaj