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S.E. Prof. Dr. Mulamba Watema Shabendelo F. discusses D.R.C. education situation with EDU Secretary-General H.E. Irving Levance

S.E. Prof. Dr. Mulamba Watema Shabendelo F., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for the Democratic Republic of the Congo met with EDU Secretary General H.E. Irving Levance to discuss the education situation in his country.

















In a business-like and professional multi-lingual exchange, the two statesmen spoke at length about EDU and its programs and the challenges faced by the DRC. As a diplomat coming from an academic background, in which he served as a university lecturer, the Ambassador is very committed to the importance of education. He has studied at the Sorbonne, Nanterre, Paris 10 and the Catholic University of Paris and boasts 3 doctoral dissertations.


The ambassador explained that in the DRC, education is split between; state/official education, which has low fees, private education which is somewhat more expensive and free missionary or faith based education.


As a representative of the government he confirms that his role is to enable and facilitate cooperation between intergovernmental organizations like EDU and the DRC. Education is considered a high priority by the Government.


The Ambassador is keen to proceed to a point where concrete proposals for education related cooperation can be negotiated and he assured the EDU Secretary-General contact in the DRC at the highest level including the Prime Minister and the Minister of Education.





The Government of the DRC sees EDU programs as being of benefit to the country and is interested in further dialogue, with S.E. Prof. Dr. Mulamba Watema Shabendelo F. acting as primary point of contact to consolidate the agreement in principle that the DRC should participate in EDU.


He explained the need to transfer European Technology such as I.T. and computers to the DRC and he outlined a current project, valued at some €4 million aimed at providing education opportunities to war orphans in the DRC.


S.E. Prof. Dr. Mulamba Watema Shabendelo F. commended EDU and its Secretary-General H.E. Irving Levance for the strong commitment to humanitarian undertakings.



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